a few things from when my dad was here...
sunday we went to kahimajingu (shrine), it was a hot day but nice to get out and see the sights. the shrine is in the middle of a gorgeous forest. i think that i like going to see the forest more than the shrine, haha.
childrens shrine
random modern art at the temple
so maybe i am starting to get used to life in japan, as this is an unusual aspect of japanese cultrure that i didn't even think strange until my dad pointed it out. the michi no eki, or road side station (a rest stop in the US) is a big a hang out spot here in japan. there are farmers markets that happen there, vendors come and sell food and arts and crafts, bands perform, they have games for kids. the one close to me even has a minature golf type thing. here are a few pics, maybe it will clarify more.
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